What ARe your firm’s core practice areas?

We are a full service firm with strengths in civil litigation and business law.  We are also well known for our large and diverse insurance defence practice.  For specifics, please see our website.

How would you describe your firm’s culture in 3 words?

Collegial. Supportive. Professional.

What is one question you think candidates should be prepared to answer in an interview?

Smarties or M+Ms?  And, why did you choose to embark on a career in law?

Does your firm offer a rotation? If so, what does it look like for summer students and Articling students?

We have a rotation for articling students between our litigation and business law (solicitor) practices.  The time spent in each rotation is tailored to the interests of the student. There is no rotation for our summer students where, instead, we seek to give students exposure to both a breadth of areas in legal practice and to their specific areas of interest.

What is one piece of advice you would give a lawyer earlY in their career?

Experience is the best teacher in the practice of law.  Be courageous, dive in, and do your best.  You’ll get there.


Christine York

Partner, Director of Associate + Student Programs
604 484 1735